martes, 7 de junio de 2011

Nepal strives to increase its population of tigers

The transfer of a wild tiger to a reserve in southwest Nepal had a lot of impact in January, but just after four months the beast has falled in the hands of hunters who are the biggest threat to the big cats. "Namobuddha" had been one of the 155 Bengal tigers left in Nepal, an amount that the government wants to double over the next ten years.


"I felt like I had lost someone in my family, " said Efe Maheshwor Dhakal, a member of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC) who coordinated the transfer of the cat, the first of its kind to be performed.
The tiger, two and a half years, had appeared nine months before with injuries, probably caused by another specimen of his kind, in a resort south of Kathmandu.
the challenge had been faced with the action of poaching and habitat loss of this animal in the wild.